Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator

Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker &
Executive Presentation Coach
Let's Talk. 860-371-8801 or Email me
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator

Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker &
Executive Presentation Coach
Let's Talk. 860-371-8801 or Email me
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach
Let's Talk. 860-371-8801 or Email me

workplace effectiveness

Building Peace in the Workplace

I’ll never forget a meeting that I attended with a digital marketing company based in Connecticut. I was meeting with the two partners to discuss the possibilities of joining their team. Within ten minutes of sitting down, I could see the tension between the two partners rise at an alarming rate. At one point they [read more]

Time for a Reorg

Last weekend, my husband and I helped my parents pack up their holiday decorations and get their house back in order. We also wanted to encourage them to put their 2019 Word for the Year into action. They have chosen “Declutter” as their keyword for the year. They have a big house and love to shop, and [read more]

Breaking down cultural barriers

While driving to Maine on a road-trip style vacation this past summer with my husband, I read a news story that captured my imagination and got me thinking deeply about an important question. Airbnb, the home rental website, launched a contest called “Night at the Great Wall,” in which four people and their guests would [read more]

The power of speaking from the heart

Perhaps you have heard the expression, Speak from the Heart?  There is great power in doing just that, yet most of us speak from our heads, and when we give presentations, we speak from the slides.  I’d like to share a recent example of a guest speaker who reminded me of why we should tell [read more]

Bring more love and passion to your work every day

Have you lost that loving feeling? It’s so easy to complain about our workplaces ….. demanding bosses, low pay, lack of appreciation, limited opportunity, high stress levels….. Or if you are in transition, looking for a job, you might find yourself complaining about not having work, no boss, no pay, no return phone calls, and [read more]

Scope Creep

  I was thinking about what costume I would wear for this year’s Halloween holiday when a clever idea came to me. Scope Creep – you know that really terrifying boogie monster that wreaks havoc on so many teams and organizations in Corporate America and around the world?  It’s the little monster that lies dormant in our [read more]

Get up. Dress up. Show up.

With current workplace trends in casual dress and working remotely, it’s sometimes difficult to pull yourself together in a more professional way. For example, right now, I’m wearing summer shorts, a Stanford University tank top, I’m barefoot, my hair is a mess, and I’m wearing absolutely no makeup. I feel great, and I’m being productive in my [read more]

Stand up and ask more questions

It takes courage to ask a question in a public forum. Whether it’s at a large conference, a town hall meeting, a classroom, or a business presentation, it takes guts to ask a question in a public forum. But asking questions is what turns the presentation from a lecture into a meaningful conversation. Questions make presentations much more [read more]

The customer is not always right (even when it’s you)

A professional friend of mine (let’s call him Austin) recently received a surprising email from one of his long time clients. In a matter of two short sentences, the email informed Austin that his services were no longer needed. His client had fired him…via email. Shocked. Surprised. Bewildered. Upset. The look on Austin’s face told me that he did not expect [read more]

Going out of Busy-ness

Busy is a four letter word. I’m tired of being asked if I’m busy. And I’m even more frustrated with how often I use it as a throw-away response. I have been wanting to write a blog on the topic of “busy”  for many months now. In fact, I dedicated my New Year’s resolution to the practice of [read more]

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