Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator

Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker &
Executive Presentation Coach
Let's Talk. 860-371-8801 or Email me
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator

Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker &
Executive Presentation Coach
Let's Talk. 860-371-8801 or Email me
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach
Let's Talk. 860-371-8801 or Email me

Special Events

JOIN US for these special events hosted by Kathy McAfee and the Fearless Leader Community — which is comprised of graduates of The Fearless Leader™ 8-week group mentoring program, and other like-minded people.

These events are free and open to the public. Space is limited so please RSVP early to reserve your seat. You are also

invited to join our private Facebook group  for the Fearless Leader Community.

Scroll below to find the events that appeal most to you. Choose between:

♥ fearlessly informal COFFEE CHAT socials

♣ Quarterly BONUS Learning Events with expert guests speakers

♦ Virtual Showcase Events with panel discussion with graduates of The Fearless Leader™ program

♥  VIP Special Events



You’re Invited!

Please join us for a virtual party to celebrate the birth of our new book, Fearless Female Leaders: Stories and Strategies to Empower More Women to Lead.  She’s simply breathtaking! You’re going to want to hold her in your arms. She’s going to change everything. 

We are hosting this online PARTY on the same day as the official launch date on Amazon which is June 26, 2024 known as Equality Day. How befitting is that!

We hope to see your bright shining face on June 26th at our Book Launch Party. We owe you and many other supportive people in our lives a great deal of gratitude. Come feel the JOY of friends supporting friends, and helping each other reach our goals and dreams.

Party Logistics:


Do you believe in the power of networking? Are you in need of the energy and uplift that comes with connecting with highly motivated and positive people? Would you enjoy learning more about the eight attributes of fearless leadership? Each month we focus on one attribute and share our thoughts and ideas about how to cultivate it into our daily lives and leadership.

Then join us for one of our fearlessly informal coffee chat virtual social events. Free and open to the public.

Come meet new people and exchange ideas and resources. Our agendas for these coffee chats are loosely structured to allow for ample connection and conversation. We use conversation prompts in and around the eight great attributes of fearless leadership to help you discover and share more of your authentic self.

Hosted by Kathy McAfee and members of the Fearless Leader Community. Drop by and say hi. You never know who you might meet or what idea or inspiration you might walk away with.


You’re invited to attend a special BONUS learning event to learn more about the power of mentoring and how to create and participate in Successful Mentor Programs with guest speaker Samantha (Sam) Surillo.

This program will address two specific challenges in mentoring programs:

  1. Fostering Positive Experiences
  2. Balancing Excitement with Pragmatism

Benefits from attending this session:

About our Speaker

Sam Surillo MSTOD, is the Managing Director & Executive Coach for Courtex Performance, a leading international mental performance coaching organization in the sports, business, and entertainment industries. The company is dedicated to empowering clients to take ownership of their mental game by embracing their unique identity and developing individualized mental skills and strategies to optimize performance and wellness. Courtex’s story is deeply rooted in basketball culture and groundbreaking work in the NBA and FIBA. Courtex clientele have ranged from youth athletes to elite professional athletes, coaches, executives, teams, and organizations.  Sam’s thought leadership on successful mentor programs is featured in the new book, Fearless Female Leaders.

This Quarterly BONUS Learning Event is hosted by Kathy McAfee and the Fearless Leader Community.

Event logistics:

* * * * *

Past guest speakers for our Quarterly BONUS Learning Event series include:

  1. Kim Dechaine, Intuitive Leadership Coach and CEO of InnerPoweredLeaders.com was our guest speaker on February 21, 2024 with the topic of Powerful Leadership Without Burnout.
  2. Rosemary Paetow, CEO of inStrategy, and author of the new book Better, Bigger, Bolder:How Leaders Break the Barrier to Predictable, Profitable Growth. She lead a session called How To be a Better. Bigger. Bolder Leader. WATCH this video excerpt from the live session.
  3. Anna Hall, CEO of The Purpose Equation. She led a session called Leading with Purpose and JoyWatch this energizing video excerpt from the live session.
  4. Rose Mihaly, former executive leader in financial service and insurance industry. Rose in currently the Managing Director of Mihaly Associates. She led a session called Overcoming Barriers to Leadership: lessons learned in the C-Suite. Watch this excerpt from the live session.
  5. Patrick McGowan, CEO of Punchn, a creative consultancy, and author of Across The Lens: How Your Zoom Presence Will Make or Break Your Success. Patrick led a session on the topic of How to Build Influence with Your Zoom Presence. Watch this video excerpt from the live session. 


JOIN US for a FEARLESS Virtual Showcase. In these no-obligation motivating information sessions, you will learn more about The Fearless Leader program – the 8-week group mentoring experience designed to help you get your career and business back on track. You will also meet and hear the testimony of graduates from the program. Come meet new people, be inspired, and get ideas to build momentum in your work and life!


What is currently holding you back from reaching your professional goals?

Do you know exactly? Is it fear? self-doubt? uncertainty? perfectionism? the dreaded imposture syndrome? lack of visibility and opportunity? all of the above?

Imagine what your career could look like if you were more fearless?!

Do yourself and your career a favor and attend a free, no obligation virtual showcase event with Kathy McAfee, creator of The Fearless Leader™ program.


We are currently organizing more FEARLESS Showcase Events. More details on the line up of featured speakers and registration links for these events will be forthcoming.

What to Expect. Each virtual Showcase event will last one hour, followed by an optional 15- minute networking session. In this virtual showcase session, you’ll be introduced to people who will share their wisdom to help you to:

  1. overcome fear & self-doubt that prevents you from reaching your goals
  2. muster the courage to ask for what you want, need and deserve
  3. break out of your funk and get much needed boost of positivity and motivation
  4. elevate yourself and get ready for the next level of career advancement!

During the virtual showcase event, you will also have the opportunity to learn more about The Fearless Leader program, hear the live testimony of some of the distinguished program graduates, and ask them questions during a panel discussion. You will also have the opportunity to meet and network with other motivated professionals attending the session.

Explore what’s possible for you and your future

No more waiting and hesitating. It’s time to get your career and business back on track. It’s time to claim your seat at the leadership table.

We look forward to seeing you and helping you unleash your full potential.

Seats are currently available in the following open enrollment cohort groups of  The Fearless Leader™ program:

p.s.  download the 2024 The Fearless Leader brochure with links

p.s.s. get tuition information and application forms here>

Stay fearless!

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