Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator

Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker &
Executive Presentation Coach
Let's Talk. 860-371-8801 or Email me
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator

Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker &
Executive Presentation Coach
Let's Talk. 860-371-8801 or Email me
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach
Let's Talk. 860-371-8801 or Email me

Kathy’s book

Networking Ahead for Business by Kathy McAfee is simply the best guide for building more mutually-beneficial relationships to create more opportunities for personal, professional and business growth.

Published by Kiwi Publishing, this book is inventoried and available in stock to support your next meeting or conference.

This book is a ‘must read’ by anybody seeking to increase their customers base, land a better job, enhance their Multi-Level Marketing business or friend raise for your favorite non profit organization, Networking Ahead for Business provides useful ideas and proven strategies to help you grow your business and professional success.

Ten things this book will enable you to do:

  1. Overcome roadblocks that get in your way from networking success
  2. Identify which relationships should get more of your attention
  3. Create a systematic approach to your networking follow-up
  4. Confidently network with people of influence, money and power to accelerate business
  5. Ask for facilitated introductions so you never have to make a cold call again
  6. Perfect your pitch to attract the right kind of new connections
  7. Avoid social blunders and networking phobias that damper results
  8. Talk to strangers and work a room with confidence and ease
  9. Use social media to expand your professional networking
  10. Network anywhere, anytime with anyone for greater mutual success!

Praise for the book:

“I loved reading Networking Ahead for Business as it provided me with insights about ‘excellence in building relationships’ for multilevel purposes. The personal story form kept my attention while the content focused on how building one’s own distinction creates opportunities.” –Juli Ann Reynolds, president & CEO, Tom Peters Company

“An upbeat, positive book which I recommend for any leader trying to expand his/her circle of influence. Networking Ahead for Business will change your attitude and actions to accelerate your success and happiness.” – Jack Mitchell, CEO, Mitchells/Richards/Marshs/Wilkes Bashford, and author of Hug Your Customers and Hug Your People

“Kathy transforms networking from a dreaded activity to a compelling life strategy, while providing actionable guidance on how to get it done. This book should be an essential item in every professional’s career toolbox.” – Mark Yaphe, CEO, ExecuThink LLC

“Kathy creatively uses the analogy of driving to teach the strategy of networking in an extremely effective and motivating way. A must read for success in business and life.”-  Lynn Ward, CEO, Waterbury Regional Chamber of Commerce, CT

“Networking Ahead for Business is a welcomed departure from other books on the topic.  Filled with innovative strategies, entertaining stories, Kathy McAfee will get you thinking and networking in a whole different way.”- Steve Harper, Speaker, Chief Rippler & Author of The Ripple Effect: Maximizing the Power of Relationships for Your Life and Business

“The principles expounded in this book are profound and come from Kathy McAfee’s wealth of practical experience. She delivers her wisdom in a simple, memorable and witty manner. I unreservedly recommend this book to only those individuals who are serious about succeeding in life. It is an asset and “must-have” in everyone’s library!”- Princess Bola Adelani, Total Success Coach, Founder/CEO of Royal Proclamations

“Networking Ahead for Business is an entertaining and practical guide to networking that will inspire even the most reluctant networker to take action.   I can’t wait to share it with my business patrons!”- Jennifer Keohane, Business Outreach Librarian- Simsbury Public Library

Social media powered..

As a marketing professional, Kathy McAfee fully leverages the power of social media to build and retain a strong community of motivated business leaders well into the future. You can stay connected one of two ways:

  1. Sign up to receive free weekly business networking tips via email
  2. Become a Facebook fan of this book and join in on the conversation

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