Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator

Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker &
Executive Presentation Coach
Let's Talk. 860-371-8801 or Email me
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator

Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker &
Executive Presentation Coach
Let's Talk. 860-371-8801 or Email me
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach
Let's Talk. 860-371-8801 or Email me

Networking for New Business Development

What would you give to have more “rainmakers” in your organization?

Rainmakers are those unique individuals who have the talent, tenacity and track record of bringing in valuable new leads and new clients to the organization. Rainmakers are highly valuable employees who “float” everyone’s salaries with their magical gifts of new business development. Are they one in a million, or can you teach others in your organization to become rainmakers?

I have developed an advanced training c ourse called Accelerated Networking for New Business Development: fast track your growth by making more critical connections.

My premise is that anyone in your organization (including you) can develop the skills of the rainmaker, by learning to become more strategic with your networking and relationship building.

The secret formula is simple: leverage your personal and professional network relationships to make new critical connections at target organizations that will lead to new business growth for your company and career advancement for you.

More critical connections = More rain = More opportunity!

The learning objective of this training course is to expand network and leverage your influence to create new high level connections and business relationships for your organization. We explore five key networking topics in this program:

  1. Introduction to networking as a new business development strategy
  2. Targeting and mapping out your prospects
  3. Leveraging LinkedIn for business development
  4. Building a referral partner network
  5. Connecting through nonprofit boards and sponsored events

Formats. This program is available as a:

  • half-day (4-hour) workshop delivered in-person for groups of up to 50 adults
  • tele-seminar series split into 4 sessions of 90-minutes

Program description

As a leader in your organization, you play an important role in the new business development process simply by learning to strategically leverage your professional and personal networks. You don’t have to sell, you don’t have to push; you just need to become a master connector to stimulate new business possibilities.

In this half-day workshop, networking expert Kathy McAfee will teach you how to put people and ideas together to create new business opportunities for yourself and others. Kathy will expand your thinking about the art of networking and how to make it a daily priority for yourself and your team. She will show you how you can connect with more influential people more easily to drive new business growth for your organization. By employing the advanced networking skills that you will learn in this workshop, you will become more visible to your target market and more valuable to your clients and your company.

These are just some of the benefits you will enjoy from attending this workshop:

  1. Expand your established network to include hundreds more quality connections;
  2. Increase your networking proficiency across all channels of communication, including  in-person, telephone and via social media;
  3. Increase your personal search ranking with more effective usage of Linkedin.com;
  4. Confidently leverage relationships from charitable boards, professional associations and firm sponsored charity events;
  5. Cultivate a highly productive referral network and strengthen inner circle relationships;
  6. Increase the number of facilitated introductions that you make and receive;
  7. Expedite the time it takes to make high level connections that can lead to new business;
  8. Mentor master-level networking behavior and be an inspiration to your colleagues;
  9. Practice the highest level of networking integrity, adding value to your personal brand and the firm’s reputation.

About your instructor: Kathy McAfee is known as America’s Marketing Motivator and is author of the book Networking Ahead for Business. In her role as Executive Presentation Coach and Professional Speaker, Kathy helps her clients to become the recognized leaders in their fields by mastering the art of high engagement presentations and more effective networking and connecting. A graduate of Stanford University, Kathy has more than 25 years of corporate, international and entrepreneurial business experience. To learn more about Kathy visit her web sites: MarketingMotivator.net and NetworkingAhead.com

For more information about bringing this program to our organization, please contact Kathy McAfee at (860) 408-0033 or email Kathy@MarketingMotivator.net

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