Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator

Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker &
Executive Presentation Coach
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Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator

Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker &
Executive Presentation Coach
Let's Talk. 860-371-8801 or Email me
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach
Let's Talk. 860-371-8801 or Email me

Networking how-to: get to the bigwig

How would you like to add a powerful CEO to the people you can call upon in your business network for help? Could you benefit from having more serious movers and shakers in your circle of influence?

Definition of BIGWIG: an important person. Synonyms: big cheese, heavy hitter, high-muckety-muck, head honcho, top banana, pooh-bah

This week’s networking tip is all about strategies to help you get to the “bigwig” – that is, the people with money, power, access and influence. The folks who can help you move closer and more quickly to your goals.

  • I wrote about this strategy in my book Networking Ahead for Business in chapter 19 entitled “Park Next to the Lamborghini: Networking with People with Money and Influence”.

Recent example: My networking friend Karen Roche, owner of The Inner Kur in West Hartford, CT, put these strategies into action last week as she set out to meet Jessica Jackley, founder of Kiva.org, who was coming to speak at the University of Hartford.

  • Kiva is a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Leveraging the internet and a worldwide network of micro-finance institutions, Kiva lets individuals lend as little as $25 to help create opportunity around the world. I am a KIVA lender and love it! Watch this TED video of Jessica Jackley sharing her inspiration for starting Kiva.org

It starts with a phone call. Karen called me the week prior proclaiming that she must meet with Jessica Jackley who was coming to the Greater Hartford, CT area for a speaking event. I suggested Karen that she “go for it” and to contact Jennifer who runs the University of Hartford’s WELFund -The Women’s Education and Leadership Fund -who was organizing the speaking event.

The results. Karen got invited to a pre-event discussion group with Jessica Jackley, one of only twelve business owners invited. She enjoyed five minutes of private time with Jessica to establish rapport and connection and to discuss business ideas and opportunities. They are now in touch via email and Karen hopes to have more face time with Jessica in the future.

How did Karen make this happen? She took bold and deliberate steps to meet Jessica face to face and she made it happen in less than 7 days! During my post-interview with Karen, she shared this advice with me and you:

“Go straight to the top! That person is a person too. They are just like us. They want to talk. That’s how they got where they are – by learning and working with other people.” – Karen Roche, owner of The Inner Kur and contributor to the Incredible Life book

Steps you can take to meet a Bigwig who could potentially advance your business, career or cause.

  • Set the intention of who you want to meet and why. You must have a very compelling why to motivate yourself to goal achievement. Think it through before you reach out.
  • Reach out to a few people who may be able to help you connect with the big wig. Can they facilitate a direct introduction for you or connect you to someone who can?
  • Befriend the gatekeeper. Avoid actions that alienate or belittle them. They are important people too (and you’ll need their help!)
  • Consider enlisting a buddy to go with you and keep you on task and on topic. Sometimes in one’s excitement and eagerness, we may misuse these precious minutes with the big wig to our best advantage (too much chit chat). Note: a buddy also gives you more power in terms of numbers. Don’t let them steal the show, though. They must know their supportive role.
  • Do your homework ahead of time. Outline how you want to use your 5 minutes with the big wig. What questions do you want to ask?  What will you say about yourself? What will you ask for?
  • Be 100% committed (no backing out). Show up early. (late makes for a bad first impression).
  • Get yourself in the best state of mind and body. Visualize a successful outcome.
  • Remember to build rapid rapport with the big wig. A welcoming smile, a professional handshake and confident eye contact help to make an immediate positive impression on the big wig.
  • Get down to business quickly. Get permission to stay in touch after this meeting. Exchange business cards (a must!)
  • Give them something to remember you by?  A copy of your book, a clever postcard, a shiny stone (okay, I’m stretching here) – something that they may fondle on their trip home that will trigger your conversation and make them smile.
  • Follow-up in multiple ways. Email is fine for the first quick response. But go the extra mile by sending a personalized greeting card or handwritten letter. Remember to include your business card again and reference your conversation so they might remember you.
  • Set a plan to build this relationship over the next 12 months. Don’t be a pest or stalker. But don’t be neglectful.  Use appropriate levels of  follow-up. You are the one that must take the lead on this networking dance.

Your networking GOAL for this week:

Set a goal this week to meet a bigwig – an important person with more power, influence and resources than you have. Someone who could be helpful in advancing your goals and dreams. Your specific goal this week is to identify WHO you want to meet. Do you research. Dream big. Aim high. Outline some strategies and ideas on HOW you could get a private audience with this bigwig. Who in your network could help you?

If this idea is overwhelming to you, consider walking before you run. Set a goal to meet the head of a chamber of commerce, the president of a Rotary club, your town selectman, head of a department at your company, board member of an non-profit organization that you admire. You don’t have to start with the President of the United States as your first bigwig. You can work up to that slowly but surely!

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