Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator

Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker &
Executive Presentation Coach
Let's Talk. 860-371-8801 or Email me
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator

Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker &
Executive Presentation Coach
Let's Talk. 860-371-8801 or Email me
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach
Let's Talk. 860-371-8801 or Email me


I’m Not Done Yet…Are You?

It’s funny how great news can sometimes turn your whole life upside down and cause you great consternation. For me that moment came in a planning meeting with our financial advisor. At our request, she was running a few scenarios to see how and when we might be ready for retirement. She shared some of [read more]

Taking the leap – the castle moment

I love action. Action films. Action heroes (and heroines). Action plans. Taking action. If it entails action, I’m in. I love doing stuff. It energizes me. It gives me the feeling of moving forward with my life. But when it comes to activating big changes, things start to slow down. That makes sense because the [read more]

How to recalculate during major life transitions

In the past few months, several of my friends have experienced major life transitions: death of a spouse, job loss, divorce, empty nesting, retirement. I have watched them as they struggle emotionally, spiritually and physically with the change. I’ve also been in a challenging transitional period for the past 3 years. In many ways it has [read more]

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