Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator

Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker &
Executive Presentation Coach
Let's Talk. 860-371-8801 or Email me
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator

Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker &
Executive Presentation Coach
Let's Talk. 860-371-8801 or Email me
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach - America's Marketing Motivator
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach
Kathy McAfee, Professional Speaker & Executive Presentation Coach
Let's Talk. 860-371-8801 or Email me

motivated presenter

Presentations can be scary (when you are unprepared)

It’s Halloween in America……time for all kids to get really creative with their costumes and run around their neighborhoods collecting sugary candy treats. They would love to get full sized candy bars, but that’s rare. What they fear are houses that disappoint them or worse yet, trick them, by turning the house lights off and [read more]

Seth Godin and the modern talking pad presentation for small groups

I happily subscribe to Seth Godin’s blog and found this short article to be interesting idea for small group presentations – you know the type where the formal PowerPoint stand-up style presentation is overkill? The modern talking pad by Seth Godin BLOG “marketing, tribes and respect” “I think this is a big idea, but your [read more]

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